Friday, April 6, 2007

This sign is on the North end of our porch and tells all our visitors that the pictures of flowers you are about to see are all apart of KAY GEBHARDT;S GARDEN.

This large yellow-orange Rose is in a vase on our dining room table.

There are many shades of Rhodies. This is a large pink variety in fullo bloom.

This is the same Rhodie bush in our front yard, only this is how a big BUD looks just before it bursts forth into the beautiful bloom shown in the previ0us shot.

This closeup is a very common Rhododendrum found in a lot of places in Southern Oregon. They grow here profusely to a height over 10 feet tall. A great many gorgeous Rhodies can be found this time of year at the Simpson's Shoreacre Park.

I don't know the name of this pretty white cluster of small flowers. They are a perrenial and come back every year without anyone's help.

This Geranium is known as apple blossom with a delicate pink cluster

Thursday, April 5, 2007

A brilliant red or Scarlet Geranium. These blooms last a long time and can be started from a slip of the stem. These are new but there will be a cluster of blooms after fertilizing.
This is a closeup of one of Kay's prize new Geranium blossoms, known as Maverick Star. They are brand new, but with loving care and Miracle Grow solution they will blossom into beautiful long lasting blooms.

Even though they may look the same, these giant pansies have distinct markings.

This is a beautiful large blue and white pansy with a golden throat. These pictures were all taken by George with the digital camera lense set at MACRO, which allows very close up shots.

This is another giant size gold and brown pansy with a dark plume behind.

Blue and white with a red leaf.. Another Giant Pansy!

Scarlet Geranium.

XXL Blue and white Pansy